Monday, December 26, 2005

The first step...

I have no clue why I created this blog. Maybe because everybody else is doing it and I am a darn conformist and do not wish to be left out, missing all the excitement. Maybe because I have such a deep need of writing something for someone, of which I feel I am incapable of doing up front. Or maybe just because of the simplest reason, that I like people to find out what the heck I am doing, this given that people actually will be reading this. However, the reason why I decided to start my own blog, is very personal. I needed to get things out of my head. There is a lot of things going on in my life currently, and I feel a need to express it in writing. Maybe it would have been wiser to pick up a conventional pen and start my own diary, not to publish, literally, for the world to read. But, it is a way of pushing myself to write. Another important reason for me to start up this blog, is that I am enrolled at a college where, unfortunately, after two years everybody will seperate and, literally again, go all over the world. So, probably I will not meet 75% of my dear friends ever again. So the least I can do is to tell them what I am up to, expecting exactly the same in return. Because friendships is a very dear and blessed occurence. Something I have learnt the hard way. Something that probably deserves its own entry. Anyways, the reasons for me writing is not really that interesting, the interesting stuff might pop up later in the actual blog, Hopefully. So even if you are not reading and just accidently poped by, My name is Daniel Ahlsén and this is a record of my current, past and future life. Consequently my BLOG. Enjoy...


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