Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The resignation of Laila Freivalds; a lame stunt by the opposition!

Today it was announced that the Swedish foreign minister, Laila Freivalds, handed in her letter of resignation due to pressure after the closing down of a right nationalistic party's website after publishing the so called Muhammad-drawings. It was done in the name of protecting swedish citizens abroad and was considered treason from the party's side. If this decision was wrong or not is open for discussion. However, being election year in Sweden, the opposition du Freivalds party, the ruling socialdemocrates, put a lot of pressure on Freivalds to resign. This reflected in media and the general press who encourage badmouthing of the minister. Small pieces of dirt was dug up and published together with out-of-context comments, making Freivalds look bad. I am just worried that the political climate in Sweden is starting to look more and more similar to the ones in Italy and the US. Can't we have a political sphere with clean agenda politics and not based on badmouthing and day-to-day arguments. Straighten up politicians. I am on the side of the oppositition, but I prefer to have a clean fight and not taking advantage of circumstances that doesn't improve our stand, just make the other side look bad. Lets have a revision of thoughts before september!!!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Swedish Stereotypes [A response]

As an introduction to a post with the same name posted by Akin Aytekin, I feel the responsibility to explain the reasons for this, you could say, rather provoking piece of documentation. Akin Aytekin is a turkish member of the RCN community and possesses a somewhat distorted view of swedes and the so called bi- homo- society. Perhaps some of you are aware of the conception that many people who are easy to point a finger and judge people, have many small secrets of which they feel they have to cover up. It is my civil responsibility to convey some of these secrets Akin possess. So to enable him to overcome his prejudiges about the homosociety. Let me put a picture of Akin here to clearly illustrate what it is I want to say in this post. Akin is clearly hiding something about his own personality that is so cleverly hidden that I do not possess the ability to, to its full extent, see it. It is something I leave up to you to decide. Lets take some other pictures as evidence. And another one, taken in complete secret without the knowledge of Mr. Akin. I think it shows his true nature. I will leave it at this. Just wanted to illustrate a reason for Aytekins attack on our nation. Ciao for now. [Clearly this is just a post to piss off my dear friend Akin Aytekin, I would say that to my full knowledge and concern he is completely straight. If not he his hiding something important from me. Do not worry Akin, I shall not judge you...]